mimin dolly

Dolly Parton’s caused a bit of a stir after playing Glastonbury, with Twitter arguing over whether her performance was mimed.

Yours truly decided to have a look into it. This isn’t a judgement on the ethics of miming, just a look into whether it can be proved.

I decided to put two different recordings on at the same time, one in each ear, to hear how similar the vocals were. Use headphones for max effect - try taking one off at a time.

The sound coming out of left channel is from this video, filmed in Perth, Australia, 27th of February, 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5ohMHoZCfE

I then synced it up with the audio from the Glastonbury performance of the 29th June 2014:


That’s coming out of the right speaker. You can hear the two different spoken intros/outros overlapping, and the difference in sound quality (the left is an audience recording, the right is TV).

And this is the result:
